| Elizabeth Belding
Professor at University of California
Elizabeth Belding’s research focuses on mobile and wireless networking, including network performance analysis, and information and communication technologies for development (ICTD). She is a co-developer of the AODV routing protocol for mobile networks, on which 802.11s and Zigbee technologies are based in part.
Elizabeth’s early work on AODV was instrumental in shaping the direction of the mobile ad-hoc networking community, including enduring standards including 802.11 and ZigBee. More recently, she has focused her wireless expertise on increasing accessibility for underdeveloped regions.
– Alex Snoeren, University of California |
 | Linda Doyle
Director of CONNECT and Professor in Trinity College, University of Dublin
Linda Doyle’s expertise is in the fields of wireless communications, cognitive radio, reconfigurable networks, spectrum management and creative arts practices. She has a reputation as an advocate for change in spectrum management practices and has played a role in spectrum policy at the national and international level.
She is the coordinator of a significant Research Centre named Connect at Trinity College Dublin, and she inspires me, one day, to do the same.
– Erika Fonseca, Trinity College Dublin |
 | Lixin Gao
Professor at University of Massachusetts
Lixin Gao’s research field is in multimedia networking, internet routing, network security and energy efficient wireless networks. She has won the NSF CAREER Award, the Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in Research and Creative Activity from University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2010.
Lixin’s work on Internet routing and autonomous system relationships remains influential, and a must-read to learn how Internet routing works.
– Sonia Fahmy, Purdue University |
 | Silvia Giordano
Head of Networking Lab, SUPSI
Silvia Giordano is teaching several courses in the area of: Networking, Wireless and Mobile Networking, Quality of Services and Networks Applications. She has published extensively on journals, magazines and conferences in the areas of quality of services, traffic control, wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. She participated in several European ACTS/IST projects and European Science Foundation (ESF) activities.
Her work in ad hoc networks produced several seminal papers with hundreds of citations and two books that became a cornerstone in the field. She is one of the pioneer scientists of opportunistic networking and computing, where she contributed to the project Haggle, the cornerstone of theoretical and experimental research in this field. Her research on human mobility produced very innovative results in localization, data dissemination, and a new understanding of the concept of social distance.
– Kamini Garg, UPC Switzerland |
 | Antonella Molinaro
Associate professor at Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Antonella Molinaro’s research interests are in wireless networking, vehicular networks, and future Internet. With more than 4400 citations, she won several best papers awards, she is Area Editor for Computer Networks (Elsevier), and she was guest-editor for several journals.
Antonella Molinaro participates in the Information Centric Networking Research Group (ICNRG) of IRTF and the NetWorld2020 European Technology Platform and she is a member of the Editorial board of some of the most prestigious Journals in Networking like Computer Networks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. She has strongly contributed to topic on wireless and mobile networking, vehicular networks, information-centric networking, and Internet of Things.
– Karen Miranda, UAM Cuajimalpa |
 | Christine Morin
Senior Scientist, Inria – Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Christine Morin is a senior researcher at Inria. She received her engineering degree in Computer Science from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), of Rennes (France). She is the leader of Myriads team working on the design and implementation of autonomous distributed systems at IRISA/Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique. She co-founded the Kerlabs spin-off developing Kerrighed Linux-based single system image operating system resulting from her research activities on cluster computing.
Dr. Christine Morin is a senior scientist at Inria and has done pioneering research in distributed systems and peer-to-peer systems. She was made Knight of the French Legion of Honour in 2015 and Knight of the National Order of Merit in 2010 by decree of the President of French Republic for her contribution to Higher Education and Research. She was awarded the Etoile de l’Europe by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research for the coordination of the Contrail project, 2014.
– Subhadeep Sarkar, Inria |
 | Lili Qui
Professor at University of Texas, Austin
Lili Qui is a Professor in Computer Science Department at University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses are in Internet and wireless networking. She graduated with a Ph.D. from Computer Science department at Cornell University in 2001 and spent 2001 – 2004 as a researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. She is an IEEE Fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist. She received an NSF CAREER award and Google Faculty Research Award.
Lili is an excellent leader in wireless networking research. The quality and visibility of her research is outstanding, as evidenced from her excellent publication record, IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientist Award, and Career Award. She has made significant contributions to wireless network systems and applications, and also served for the SIGMOBILE community as Vice Chair and Treasurer.
– Kang Shin, University of Michigan |
 | Nina Taft
Researcher at Google
Nina Taft is a Senior Staff Research Scientist at Google where she leads the Applied Privacy Research group. Prior to joining Google, Nina worked at Technicolor Research, Intel Labs Berkeley, Sprint Labs and SRI. She received her PhD from UC Berkeley. Over the years, she has worked in the fields of networking protocols, network traffic matrix estimation, Internet traffic modeling and prediction, intrusion detection, recommendation systems and privacy.
Throughout her career, Nina has conducted deep and rigorous research to deliver seminal contributions to the theory of communication networks. She was a pioneer in the field of traffic matrices and made numerous contributions to anomaly detection for many network types. More recently, her research and leadership has focused on the area of privacy-preserving recommendations. Nina continues to be a top researcher and role model in the networking community.
– Christophe Diot, Safran Analytics |
 | Renata Cruz Teixeira
Senior Researcher, Inria Paris
Renata Teixeira works on computer networks with emphasis on measurement, analysis, and management of IP networks. She is particularly interested in the Internet’s edge and how to make IP networks more robust and easier to use even for unsophisticated users. She serves in the editorial board of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and of the ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. She is also a member of the steering committee of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference and has been active in the program committees of ACM SIGCOMM, ACM IMC, PAM, IEEE INFOCOM, among others.
Renata Teixeira designs effective techniques for inferring key properties of the Internet, including application identification (inferring an application’s type from the traffic it generates), network paths (the Paris traceroute tool for measuring forwarding paths), and performance bottlenecks (including the HomeNet profiler and techniques included in the Netalyzer tool for broadband networks). Renata also served as SIGCOMM vice chair and on the steering committees for both IMC and PAM.
– Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University |
 | Weihua Zhouang
Professor at University of Waterloo
Dr. Zhuang is a Fellow of the IEEE, Royal Society of Canada (RSC), Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), and Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). She received the Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo, for outstanding achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service, 2011 and Marsland Fellowship, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo, for demonstrated exceptional achievements in research, teaching, and dedication to the Department and the University, 2008
Professor Weihua Zhuang has demonstrated outstanding research track record, dedicated service and exceptional leadership in the international research community, and strong commitment in mentoring and training of future engineers and scientists. She is a truly outstanding N2Women Star and role model in computer networking and communications.
– Sumei Sun, Institute for Infocomm Research |