We are very excited to announce the third list of “N2Women: Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”.
For 2020, in alphabetical order by last name, here are 10 women in networking and communications that you should watch!
![]() | Marwa Chafii A young faculty and rising star in the field of networking and communications, is a member of the ETIS UMR8051 Lab (FR), where she holds a Chair of Excellence on Artificial Intelligence, funded by the CY Initiative. She received the 2018 Best PhD Award in the field of Signal, Image & Vision in France. Her research interests include signal processing and machine learning for wireless communications. She actively supports women in engineering through her involvement in the Women in AI organization and in the gender committee of the AI4EU community. Arsenia Chorti, Associate Professor at the ENSEA, Head of the Information, Communications and Imaging (ICI) Group of the ETIS Lab UMR8051, CY Université, ENSEA, CNRS |
![]() | Boya Di She has rich experiences in both wireless network optimization and multi-access techniques for multi-user communications. Her works have directly addressed the critical issues in practical wireless systems such as resource management and user scheduling for efficiency improvement. Wide attention from the Communications Society has been drawn due to the high quality and significant novelty of her works. One of her first-authored journal papers has been recognized as an ESI highly cited paper. Her first-authored EUMAS conference paper has been selected as one of the two best paper candidates. I am confident to say that she has a promising potential in her future career Zhu Han, John and Rebecca Moores Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and in the Computer Science Department, University of Houston, Texas. |
![]() | Shir Landau Feibish She is leading a unique work at the intersection of theoretical and practical networking, with a focus on traffic analysis and security within the data plane. Shir’s research has already made an impact, with publications in top tier venues such as ACM SIGCOMM and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Over the years, she has received a number of prestigious awards, and was a reviewer for top tier journals and conferences, a sign of recognition by the community. Her research is prominent and interesting, keep an eye out for her publications! Noa Zilberman, Associate Professor in Engineering Science, University of Oxford |
![]() | Molka Gharbaoui CNIT and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Molka is a talented scientist capable of tackling research in the field of communication networks by combining techniques coming from the two disciplines of computer science and telecommunications. Such an approach is crucial in the design of modern telecommunication infrastructures where many functions are virtualized and the boundaries between processing and transport functions are more and more blurred. Molka is recognized as an international expert for her research outcome and publications on network virtualization and resource orchestration, reliable network infrastructures, service chaining, application-aware networking. She has contributed to many European projects in the area of 5G networks for verticals and service-oriented networks. She demonstrated a strong attitude to research and a capability of team-working being always available to share her knowledge for the benefit of younger students. I am happy she has been selected among the Rising Stars because she really deserves such nomination. I believe her passion can bring her towards future greater achievements. Piero Castoldi, IEEE Senior Member, Full Professor in Telecommunications, Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy |
![]() | Yi Gai She is a brilliant young researcher and technologist. She wrote an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation focused on the design of multi-armed bandit-based online learning algorithms for applications in communication networks. Her pioneering work on combinatorial bandits, published in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking is very highly cited. Since her Ph.D., working previously at Intel and currently at Google, she has been continuing to contribute through the design and development of scalable and adaptive frameworks that apply machine learning to provide automated and efficient solutions for important problems of industry interest. I’m sure she has a very bright career still ahead of her. Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California |
![]() | Qing He She works in the areas of optimization, information theory, and machine learning, with applications to networked systems. She is an excellent, independent and original researcher as testified by the top publications. She has made significant contributions to the classic network optimization problems as well as to the emerging research area of age of information. Besides her excellent academic record, she had served as project manager and actively collaborated with academic and industrial partners in several projects funded by the European Commission. Chen Wang, Computer Science Student, Stockholm University |
![]() | Rikky Muller She deserves recognition for her impressive achievements in development of wirelessly connected and wirelessly powered implants- important components for the medicine of the future. Besides academic achievements she has proven her abilities as entrepreneur being co -founder and CTO of a successful company bringing some of her ideas to the level of real product. She can literally “infect” people with her ideas and enthusiasm, which makes her a greater motivator and supervisor of students. Adam Wolisz, Professor (retd.), TU Berlin, Fellow, Einstein Center Digital Future |
![]() | Kaoru Ota She is an excellent researcher with significant contributions to the theoretical and experimental studies of wireless distributed systems in terms of improving its energy efficiency and resource utilization. The excellent of her work is evidenced that her research outcomes have been used in practical systems. The impact of her work can also be shown by her several ESI Highly Cited Papers and ESI Hot Papers with 5500+ Google Scholar citations. Kaoru won the IEEE Communications Society CSIM Best Journal Paper Award 2020, and the 13th IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Young Researcher Award 2018, who is the first Japanese female to win this award. She is Clarivate Analytics 2019 Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science). I am confident she will continuously make outstanding and fruitful research contributions in her future career. Jinhong Yuan, IEEE Fellow, Professor and Head of Telecommunications, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications. UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA |
![]() | Cristina Rottondi She is a rising star in the field of networking and communications. Her pioneering work on machine learning applications for physical layer modeling in optical networks was recently awards the 2020 Charles Kao award. She is also successfully active in other and diverse technical fields as smart grid privacy and online networked music playing. She recently released a video (published by the most influential Italian newspaper) where she sings, in Italy, over a melody played by colleague in Stanford, showing the potential of distributed real time musical interactions. Massimo Tornatore, Associate professor, Politecnico di Milano Adjunct Professor at University of California, Davis |
![]() | Poonam Yadav Her research in Internet-of-Things is a novel approach to achieving resilience and reliability within networks that are often not well-behaved. Her work is driven by a passion for computing for social good and really aims to make the world a better place Neil Audsley, Head of the Department of Computer Science, University of York |