The fifth N2 Women Workshop will take place October 3, 2016, co-located with ACM MobiCom in New York, NY.
Registration information available on the MOBICOM registration website. There is no cost to register for the N2 Women Workshop.
This workshop is possible thanks to the generous support of CRA-W/CDC, NSF, and ACM SIGMOBILE.
8:30 – 09:00 AM | Registration |
09:00 – 09:15 AM | Opening remarks |
09:15 – 10:00 AM | Keynote 1: Sweet Serendipity or Shrewd Strategy, Dr. Alicia Abella, AT&T Labs |
10:15 – 10:30 AM | Coffee break |
10:30 – 11:45 AM | Panel I – From student to PI: becoming an independent researcher |
11:45 – 12:30 PM | Small groups discussion |
12:30 – 01:30 PM | Lunch |
01:30 – 02:15 PM | Keynote 2: 6 Ways to Live with Impact, Dr. Jia Wang, AT&T Labs |
02:15 – 03:30 PM | Panel II – Preparing for success: tips for landing a job and climbing the ladder |
03:30 – 03:45 PM | Coffee break |
03:45 – 04:45 PM | Poster Session |
04:45 – 05:30 PM | Small groups discussion |
05:30 – 06:00 PM | Poster winner announcement and closing remarks |
“Sweet Serendipity or Shrewd Strategy” by
Dr. Alicia Abella – AT&T Labs
Have you ever thought “He is so lucky.” or “She was just at the right place at the right time.”? But as the adage suggests, luck is when preparation meets opportunity. And once we put ourselves in a position to take advantage of opportunities new ones often present themselves. In this talk I will review several techniques that have helped me, and can help you, to take advantage of opportunities and transform strategy into what the external world may view as serendipity. I will do this by sharing examples from my own career, like when a chance conversation led to a meeting with a corporate board of directors and an impromptu panel moderator role led to a Presidential Advisory appointment. Don’t wait for Lady Luck to come along, be that lady that others think is just lucky.
Short Bio
With 21 years of research experience, Dr. Abella has held positions that allow her to demonstrate her skills in a broad research spectrum which have unfolded into her organization’s current responsibilities which include research in cloud computing, software-defined storage, human-computer interaction, mobile services, and Internet of Things. In 2013, Dr. Abella received Columbia University’s Medal of Excellence, an award given each year to an alumnus or alumna, under 45 years of age, whose record in scholarship, public service, or professional life is outstanding. This is the first time since 1929 –when the award was first given– that Columbia has awarded the medal to an engineer. In 2011, she was selected by President Obama to be on his Presidential Advisory Commission for Educational Excellence for Hispanics. Also in 2011, she was inducted into the prestigious WITI (Women in Technology International) Hall of Fame. Besides her technical contributions, Dr. Abella has been a strong advocate in fostering the development of minorities and women in science and engineering. She received her B.S. in Computer Science from NYU and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University.
“6 Ways to Live with Impact” by
Dr. Jia Wang – AT&T Labs
Being with AT&T Research for the past 15 years of my research career, I like to think of myself as a professional problem solver. Every day, I get to solve problems no one knows the answers to. And each solution leads to something better. In fact, being a leader in STEM and making an impact on lives have been my dream since I was a PhD student at Cornell University. I spent each semester observing my computer science professors. And I spent every summer at AT&T Labs. Thanks to these experiences, I knew I wanted to reach a similar level of achievement as the researchers I had worked with. I wasn’t the only student with that dream, but I certainly feel like the luckiest. I’ve had the opportunity to achieve the goals I set for myself back in school. In this talk, it is my pleasure to have opportunities to share 6 tips to motivate you to live with impact. These pieces of advice helped guide me in my journey from student to scientist. I continue to reflect on them and pass them on to my students and my kids.
Short Bio
Jia Wang is currently a Lead Inventive Scientist in the Network & Service Quality Management Organization at AT&T Labs – Research and a Fellow of IEEE. With 15 years of research experience, Jia’s research work covered a wide range of topics in the field of communication and computer networking. These works include over 90 papers at top tier technical conferences and journals and 38 patents issued by the US Patent Office. She was co-recipients of the Best Paper Award at ACM CoNext 2011 and the Best Student Award at ACM Sigmetrics 2004. Jia received 2015 WoC STEM Special Recognition Award by the Career Communication Group for her outstanding technical contributions and leadership in community services. Jia serves on the IEEE Internet Award Committee, IEEE Computer Society Fellow Committee, and as associate editor of IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking. She was the general co-chair of ACM Sigcomm 2013. She also served on the organizing committees and technical program committees for many top conferences including Sigcomm, Sigmetrics, IMC, CoNext, Mobihoc, Infocom, ICNP, ICDCS, etc. Jia received her MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Cornell University in May 1999 and January 2001, respectively.
The instructions for registering for the event is available at the main conference’s website at
Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of networking and communications.
All researchers in the networking and communications fields are welcome to submit their work for
presentation at this workshop. Each poster abstract will be reviewed by members of the TPC.
Posters will not be published and hence can be under submission for other conferences or workshops.
One poster will be selected to receive a best poster award.
Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing the research to be presented
in the poster. The length of the extended abstract should be at most TWO pages (formatted into the US
letter size of 8.5 * 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size), including all figures and
references. The extended abstract must include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all
authors and should be submitted at
Travel grants are available to cover travel expenses for qualified graduate students. Each travel grant award is up $1000, and cost sharing with the institutions of students is encouraged.
Application Process
To apply for an N2 Women Workshop travel grant, a graduate student must submit his/her curriculum
vita, a short personal statement (maximum one page), and a supporting letter from the student’s advisor. The student’s short personal statement should include an overview of the student’s research
interests/accomplishments and a description of how attending the N2 Women Workshop will be
beneficial to the student’s career. The student must also state if he/she has an accepted MobiCom 2016 paper, poster, or demo and/or plans to submit a N2 Women poster.
The supporting letter from the student’s advisor should include confirmation that the student is in good academic standing within his/her graduate program, as well as any benefits the advisor expects the student to receive from attending both the N2 Women Workshop and MobiCom 2016.
The deadline to apply for travel support to attend the N2 Women Workshop is August 15, 2016 August 27, 2016.
Send the application as a single PDF file to Cristina Nita-Rotaru at A travel grants committee will review the applications. The awardees will be notified via e-mail.
Selection Criteria
The goal of the travel grants is to allow students to participate who would otherwise find it difficult to
attend due to the cost. The committee will also evaluate the applicant’s interests and accomplishments in
the computer networking field (demonstrated by course work and/or project experience). Women and under-represented minority students will be given priority.
Dr. Cristina Nita-Rotaru, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA Email:
Dr. Maria Papadopouli, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete & Institute of Computer Science, FORTH, Nikolaou Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton, P.O Box 1385 GR-70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Phone: +30 2810 39 1677 E-mail:
Tracy Camp, Dept. of EECS, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 303 384 2184 Email:
Wendi Heinzelman, Dept. of ECE, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 Phone: 585 275 4053 Email: