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August 7, 2024 @ 3:20 pm - 6:00 pm

ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Networking Networking Women Event (N2Women’24)

The 14th N2Women event at SIGCOMM’24 aims to foster professional networking among women in computer networking and related research fields in which women are traditionally underrepresented.

Its goal is to:

  • Connect newer generations of networking women researchers with the community and create mentorship relationships;
  • Create a research forum in which students and junior researchers learn and discuss current trends in networking, present their research and receive feedback;
  • Engage a diverse body of junior researchers in the field.

The workshop welcomes women, but also underrepresented minorities of any gender identity, students, and men who share the same research interests and face the same career hurdles. EVERYONE is welcome to attend the panel and networking event!

Invited Panel:

1. Marilia Curado, Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

2. Radhika Mittal, Assistant Professor in the ECE department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

3. Arzani Behnaz, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research

4. Grace Liu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Peking University


August 7, 2024
3:20 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Category:


UNSW Round House
Round House, University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
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