
Latest Past Events

Meeting at SenSys 2013

Room Senatino (1st floor)

Join us for the N2 Women panel discussion at ACM SenSys 2013!   Panelists: Lama Nachman, Principal Engineer in Intel Labs, USA Silvia Santini, Assistant Professor at TU Darmstadt, Germany   For further information, please contact Martina Brachmann, Niki Trigoni.

Meeting at MobiCom 2013

Orchid D, Hyatt Regency Miami

Meet-Greet-Eat N2Women Luncheon Topics to be discussed include: Industrial vs. academic career challenges Picking an established or a new and “hot” research area The impact of an industrial internship on your career Panelists: Prof. Robin Hillary Kravets, University of Illinois, UC, USA Prof. Maria Papadopouli, University of Crete, Greece Dr. Jie Liu, Microsoft Research, USA Please join us to share your experience and make the event a success! Please email (include name, affiliation, n2women member (Y/N)) Israat or Raqeebir to…

Meeting at SIGCOMM 2013

Room 503, Yasumoto International Academic Park

N2Women Luncheon Discussion Join us for the N2 Women panel discussion at ACM SIGCOMM 2013! Panelists: Prof. Lixin Gao, University of Massachusetts, USA Prof. Sharon Goldberg, Boston University, USA Dr. Jia Wang, AT&T Labs – Research, USA Topics: How to take advices? How to seek collaborations from industry and academia? What will be the top five research topics in Computer Networking in the next decade? If you plan to attend, please email your name, affiliation and special dietary need (if…

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